Working on getting Braidwood's own community-based low cost, zero emission, electricity  supply.

We acknowledge that Braidwood is on the land of Dhurga-speakers of the Yuin People, land that has never been ceded. We honour their Elders past and present.

welcome to BCE

Our current proposed project is to provide the Braidwood area with a renewable and resilient electricity supply. 

With a large solar array and storage batteries, Braidwood can achieve 75% renewable energy, well above the national average

The beautiful logo is by local artist Freya Job

Latest news

Braidwood and its surrounds are connected to the electricity grid via a high voltage line from Captains Flat. This line runs overland and if it gets broken, our community ceases to have power until it is repaired. This line was nearly broken in 2023 when a cement truck ran into one of the poles between Braidwood and Captains flat but could also be severed due to hazardous weather or bushfires. The town of Cobargo knows this all too well, as the 2019-2020 bushfires destroyed the poles and wires and left them without power.  

Braidwood Clean Energy Inc. is working with ITP Developments, a developer of town scale solar farms, about making our community more resilient and less vulnerable to grid outages. Since the fires, ITP has been helping Cobargo NSW to be more resilient by building a ‘microgrid’ which will mean that if they are disconnected from the grid, they can operate independently. ITP is now proposing to do the same for Braidwood and is seeking funding from ARENA, Australia’s renewable energy agency, to create a microgrid for Braidwood as well. This microgrid will consist of a solar farm and a community scale battery to provide the town with uninterrupted electricity in the event of future grid outages.